Client Testimonials
I decided to compete in my first powerlifting meet and a friend gave me James’ info along with a glowing recommendation. From the beginning, he was thorough and informative about his background (it’s impressive!), and the training and nutrition programming he developed to fit my goals. He tailored the programming to work with my schedule and my limited home gym equipment. I’ve lifted weights for almost 10 years, and after 20 weeks of training with James’ direction I saw bigger changes than the past 10 years. I’m the strongest I’ve ever been (I added 80lb to my powerlifting total!), yet I’m the lightest I’ve ever been. I’ve tried in the past to count macros on my own and was never successful. Having a resource like James in my corner was a game changer to finally stick with a nutrition program that supported my strength and personal goals. Even though most of our interactions are online, I’ve never had to wait long for a reply to a question or a program update. He answers all my questions with an explanation, and I’m confident he cares about my programming and well-being. Thanks James, your coaching has been excellent!
Hanna VanderMoere
Competitive Powerlifter
My name is Jenny Locke and I am a 45 year old mother of 4. My oldest son Jordan would have been 23 now, my daughter Haleigh is 22, my son Brayden is 20 and my daughter Kenzie is 7. I’ve always been athletic and loved staying physically fit and have always tried to maintain a fairly clean diet. About 5 years ago I started going to a gym that did a mix of HIIT and lifting. January 2018 I decided I wanted to compete. My friend Michelle and I were talking and she told me I should reach out to James who she had been working with her for a few years. About the second week of January I filled out some information about myself and sent it to him. I told him I wanted to do a natural show on April 21st. He was concerned that my calorie intake was too low to increase for a show that soon. All this was foreign to me and I told him I would do whatever he needed me to do. He said let’s play it week by week and see if you can be ready. The first month he sent me my macros and I sent him weights and pictures. By about the 3rd week of February I think he thought we may have to push the show off. He was very passionate about doing what was best for me and my body. I was thankful to see how much he cared and wasn’t in it to just push me to show and ruin my metabolism. After that week things started really kicking in and we decided to keep pushing forward. Every email and every text I sent him he responded to and just kept encouraging me. Every Skype session with James and occasionally his wife Rachel was positive and they both answered all my questions thoroughly. I was so nervous about the dreaded PEAK week but it was amazing and even though I had so many questions, he never acted like I was bothering him. I was ready for the show and James was able to be there. He helped make my first show one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I couldn’t have done this without him and now I’m hooked. Getting ready for show number two in June. He also encouraged me to go after my pro card which my response was” aren’t I too old?” He laughed and said no. I fell so blessed to have met James and to be apart of Team Reps. Watch out with the help of Team Reps I’m ready to push harder.
Jenny Locke
PNBA and IPE Natural Pro Bikini Competitor
I have always been into competitive sports in high school and college, after college I started lifting weights and after about 5 years of weight training wanted to take it to the next level and just see if I could compete My first show was this past September in the figure division I placed second in the beginners and am planning on doing another show around Oct 2016 in the physique division Going into my first contest prep I was most fearful about the food aspect, I have heard horror stories. James set me up with flexible dieting and carb cycling and completely changed my perception on the subject. I was able to lose over 20 pound while increasing my food intake and still enjoying the food I love. I love weight training and have been doing so consistently now for about 6 years, I have never had a problem building my upper body but my legs have been a struggle. During this off season in preparing for another show James gave me a training program to really help focus on developing my legs. I am about 10 weeks into the program and I am starting to see more definition. He switches up the program every 4 weeks with different methods of training, there is truly a science behind how he programs these workouts and it is very interesting to be a part of. My experience working with James has been incredible, I have learned more in the past 9 months then I have ever expected. He has completely changed my thinking when it comes to food and “dieting”. He has taught me not to over think my food choices and to have a balanced healthy diet while still enjoying things you love. James is a wealth of knowledge and is happy to share all his information. James and Team Reps are a great group of people who all share the same goals and interest, who are supportive of each other and are willing to answer any questions anyone may have without judgment. They make the rookies like myself feel comfortable and not intimidated The service that James provides is more than I expected, he makes you feel comfortable and is available to answer any and all questions, with this being my first prep he was very helpful in finding me a posing coach and guiding me through the process right to the end. Working with James and being a part of Team Reps is well worth the money you pay, they make the process enjoyable and fun and the knowledge you grain from them is priceless. I am very excited to see what this next year brings working with James and to see how far we can take it this time around
Michelle Harris
AAPF Nationally and World Qualified Powerlifter / PNBA Figure Pro and IPE Womens Physique Pro
I made the decision to make my health a priority three years ago at the age of 36. I had gained more than 30 pounds on this 5’1” frame and I was feeling it physically and mentally. My joints ached, I had intermittent low back pain, and I would huff and puff up a flight of stairs. For me, goal setting was essential in keeping my motivation and this is when I decided I wanted to compete in Bodybuilding in the Bikini division. My first year was spent with a lot of trial and error. I was diagnosed with a hypothyroid and developed a chronic left wrist injury. I worked with a personal trainer to learn proper form and technique in lifting. I was able to lose a little weight, but I hit a plateau and did not know what to do on my own next. I knew that to take it to the next level, I was going to need a coach, especially one who knows how to work with chronic injuries. I reached out to Coach James and I instantly knew he was a good fit for me. By all means, most coaches can prescribe your macros and cardio, and you will lose weight, but it is the “Coaching” that sets James a part. He uses evidence-base in his lifting programming and nutrition planning. He also educates you, helping you understand the “whys”, which is great for folks, like me, who want to understand the mechanisms of muscle development and your physiology. Most importantly, he encourages you when you are self-doubting, which defines to me what a “coach” is all about. I started working with Coach James in September of 2015. We had set a goal that I would do a natural bodybuilding show in the spring of 2016. As time came closer, it became clear that for me to be competitive on stage, I would need to lose 10 more pounds. Coach James counseled me, explaining where we were in my macros and metabolism, and what we would need to do to lose the weight. It was at that point, with his guidance, we agreed that 2016 was not my year to compete and decided to focus on increasing my calories and gaining muscle. As much as I wanted to compete, I knew he was right. Bodybuilding shows will always be around, but making sure you are healthy, physically and mentally, during your prep is very important. Competition prep is hard, and this is why having a coach who is active in your journey is important. It is now 2017. I turn 40 this year and my son is wrapping up his freshman year in high school. I did reach my goal of competing, hitting the stage at the NANBF Empire Naturals in Renton, Washington and placed 1st in Bikini Novice and Bikini Open. I also won the Best Poser award. It does not stop there! I competed four weeks later at the NANBF Natural Columbia Classic pro-qualifier in Auburn, Washington and placed 1st in the Bikini Open, earning my International Pro Elite bodybuilding card. I would not have been able to do this without the guidance and knowledge of Coach James. Three years later, I can honestly say being physically active is a lifestyle for me. I never thought I would say these words and actually mean it, but here I am doing it. I truly enjoy lifting and how it makes me feel. I look forward going to the gym and seeing the progress, whether if my goal is increasing muscle size, increasing the weight I lift, or decreasing my bodyfat. I am continuing to work with Coach James, as my new goal is to now go to the Worlds. I know this is not going to happen in a year. Just like how Coach James guided me before, it is going to take time and consistency. It may be 2 years or it may take 5 years, but what I do know is that I have a great Coach to guide me in this process
Jamie Young
IPE Professional Bikini Competitor
Working out with my husband and one of his friends one evening, his friend looks at me and says “You have big arms for a girl.” Which was a back-handed compliment, then suggested I compete and I gave in….it didn’t take a lot of convincing but from that evening on, I was all in. With his “compliment” and my husband believing in me pushed me to try this sport. I began trying to prep for my first show in 2011, training for a May 2012 debut. I had no idea what to do, I didn’t even know what a macro was, cutting, or even how to pose let alone which category to enter in. My husband and I went through a couple coaches that didn’t personalize a plan for us and just let us “wing it”. I signed up for the Body Building class and quickly realized I was that little guy on stage but took 4th in Novice and 5th in the Open division. My next show was that fall, October 2012. This time around I entered into the Figure division, a much better fit at that time. I took 3rd in Novice, 4th in Beginner and 5th in the Open division and I was satisfied with that placing. Little did I know my career in this industry wouldn’t really start off until I met James Shmagranoff and became a part of the tight-knit Team Reps family. I took a couple of years off but didn’t know how to reverse diet or anything of that sort. My husband became a part of Team Reps to start his prep for the 2015 season and I quickly wanted on board. I started training with James in March 2015 trying to get prepared for my first show back which was the Mr. and Mrs. Natural show in Bloomington, MN in May 2015. I again entered into Figure and took 4th in Novice and 4th in the Open division. My next show was July 2015 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I did two different divisions this time around. I took 2nd in the Figure class, first time competing in the Physique (women’s athletic) division, I took 1st place, won best poser and won best abs….needless to say I was extremely happy with how James transformed me in just a few short months. Prepping for our next show came fast approaching after the July show. I competed in the MN Mayhem show in Duluth, MN in September. I competed in Physique again and took 2nd. What an awesome way to finish out my 2015 season!! James brings such a personalized approach to prep. He gives me certain macros to hit every week and weigh in with him at the end of my week. He trusts that I will choose the right foods for me to succeed and not cheat on diet and analyzes my progress after we send him progress pictures. The flexibility of prep is refreshing and not restrictive at all however, we have decided to take the eating clean route vs. “If it fits your macros” approach during prep. But with James having such trust and belief in us, even if we did the IIFYM, he knows we would be smart about it. With James’ science background and personal body building background he knows his facts and the proof shows when you step on stage. He researches every person individually with the information we provide him with. Finding out if we are an endomorph or ectomorph, how our metabolism reacts to high carb days and the finale once we step on stage. If you have any ailments, he takes that into consideration when developing your program. For example, I have terrible knees but know that I need to push myself if I am going to grow but he says “do smith squats or hack squats” instead of free weight squats and try a narrow stance to work on that quad separation. James really goes above and beyond to not only help you succeed as an athlete but helps build your confidence as a person. When I first became a part of Team Reps I was super intimidated being among all these pros and successful athletes. But then I soon realized that I was GOING to be ONE of them!! Every single person on this team is supportive of one another, even if you’re competing against each other. We have open ended forums constantly even if something might be too personal, we know that we are all fighting the same battle and can go to each other with questions or concerns. I have met some amazing people and consider them my family! It is a real family atmosphere. Working with James has completely changed my life for the better. He has made me a better competitor physically and mentally. There were days when I was crying in a puddle on the floor and he was there every step of the way to pick me up and reassure me to trust the process! When it was show time, he would wake up at 3:00am with my husband to be available for text, calls and skype. Our last show in September, MN Mayhem, James and his wife drove all the way from Indiana to support us, slap our tan in for us and tell us what to tweak and when to eat! He has become a close friend and I will trust him with my career for as long as he will let me. I can’t stress enough that you pay for what you want out of a service. Team Reps comes highly rated and produces success whether that means a Pro Card or transforming your body and self-esteem for what you want out if it. If YOU put the work in, James puts that much back into you then some! He is very reasonably priced and is very understanding about all of our financial situations. James has a hefty number of clients, is going to school, is teaching and working on his lifting and body building career but NEVER hesitates to answer your questions even if you think they are silly. There have been days where he and I have emailed back and forth what seems like all day. He never makes you feel like you are an inconvenience to him or makes you feel like you don’t matter. If you are second guessing yourself on getting started in this industry or want to get back into it, James and Team Wilson are your answer. I was a soft 120-125 pound woman before starting with James. He tested my limits, helped me focus on my goals, challenged me and helped me make myself proud of who I have become. I will be working with James for my next debut for the 2018 season and I couldn’t be more proud and honored to call him my coach, my confidant and my friend
Karri Lamke
IPE and NGA Professional Womens Physique Competitor
When I was 20 years old and weighing a solid 140 lbs, I decided that I wanted bigger pecs. I asked a co-worker and avid lifter, how many pushups I would have to do every night in order to get a bigger chest. His answer was “bench.” It didn’t matter how I worded my question, he kept telling me that I had to bench. I joined a gym the next day and a new passion in my life was born. A decade later, I had become obsessed with the gym. I even met my wonderful wife and fellow competitor there. It’s because of her that I’m now a competitive bodybuilder. She is blessed with amazing genetics and I would often tell her that she should do a show. She eventually chose Mr/Ms Natural Minnesota as the place she would step on stage. I figured that I might as well compete at the same time and fulfill my goal of stepping on stage, where I was aiming to beat just one person. As I began training more seriously and watching my diet, my new goal was to place Top 5 in the novice bodybuilding class. I accomplished that goal, but still wasn’t satisfied. Once again, my wife was responsible for me stepping on stage. She had so much fun, that she wanted to compete six months later at the Northern States Natural Classic. I placed Top 5 in novice in that show as well, but I had no plans to compete again. It was a long, restrictive diet and all that I wanted to do was quit competing and eat everything in sight. That’s exactly what I did and put on about 15 lbs in under a week. I eventually got sick of the junk food that I didn’t even crave before starting to diet for those shows. The best way to lose that weight was to compete again so the following May, I was back on stage at Mr/Ms Natural Minnesota. I was blessed enough to place 4th, but it was the third straight time and I was feeling like I would never break through. I had trained through a painful hernia for many months and hired a different coach, but the results were the same. This diet was even more restricted and led to binging after the show. After a couple years off and time to heal from hernia surgery, I was eager to compete again. I had previously been in touch with Cliff Wilson and when I touched base again, his client list was full and he got me hooked up with James Shmagranoff. I was ready to take the next step and be part of a very well-known group in Team Reps. Everything I had seen from this team, showed me that their athletes were always in phenomenal shape. I was very excited to get started and even more so after talking with James. I was very comfortable with his approach to the diet and training and found the rates very reasonable. James responds to emails in a very timely manner and I would put his knowledge up against anyone. After working with James for about 12 weeks, I was on stage for the 2015 Mr/Ms Natural Minnesota show as a physique competitor. I began to feel that I was too small for bodybuilding and opted for physique instead, but wasn’t sure what to expect at such a big show. I had over a dozen guys in my height class, but James had me in awesome shape and I took home a second place trophy. My wife and I had planned to compete in that show and be done for the year, but things were going so well with James that we rearranged our summer and started lining up more shows. I was continually amazed at the level of service that we were getting with James. We were provided with detailed supplement explanations and recommendations. The training programs were personalized, challenging and effective. We would go over posing via skype and best of all, we were utilizing flexible dieting. Given the ability to work any kind of food into my macros, it completely eliminated the urge to gorge on junk food after the show. I went on to compete in 3 more shows in 2015. I placed 4th in physique, won a novice bodybuilding class, as well as being the overall novice champion and finished 2nd and 4th in two bodybuilding open classes. As I head into the offseason and focus on putting on size, I have my sights set on a bodybuilding pro card and I know that it will happen with James leading the way. The place where I thought I didn’t have the size to compete will be exactly where I turn pro thanks to James showing me that conditioning is every bit as important as size when stepping on stage. If you are looking for a super knowledgeable and supportive coach, look no further than James Shmagranoff. He has revitalized my bodybuilding career and shown me that dieting for a show doesn’t have to be a bad experience. I’m very proud to call James my coach and more importantly, my friend.
Jeff Lamke
NGA Professional Classic Mens Bodybuilder
A high school friend, who has competed in and promoted natural body building shows, owned a gym in town, and I started working out with him about four years ago. I have always been interested in healthy eating and working out and he helped me to take my workouts to another level and encouraged me to compete. I thought, why not? I like a challenge. My first show was the NANBF Great Lakes Supernatural in 2012. I finished fourth in master’s and third in novice. My second show was the NANBF Great Northern Natural Classic in 2013 and I placed second in the novice category, third place for Mr. Illinois, fourth in master’s, and fourth in the open. My third show was the 2014 NGA Heart of America Natural Classic. I finished third in novice and fourth place in master’s. My fourth show was the Titan Classic in 2015. I finished fifth in the open category and third in the master’s category. My latest show was the NGA Steel Valley Classic in 2015. I finished second in the open and third in master’s. Since beginning my training with James, my workout is a reflection of what I require to be successful and is adjusted weekly to meet my individual needs. The workout programs are never dull and keep me interested and working hard. His diet plan for me was really a guide within which I was able to choose my own foods, providing me with a wider variety of choice than I had previously had. As a part of Team Reps, I felt like I was a member of a very large, extended family who supports one another in pursuit of a common cause. The training rates were more than reasonable when considering the services I received for what I paid. James not only provided me with exceptional workout plans and diet guidelines that helped me meet my overall goals, but his vast knowledge of the human body and how I could make my body work for me was awe inspiring. He worked with me, not for me and was as dedicated to my journey as I was. He was there for me every step of the way. His feedback was essential in my progress and he kept me motivated even when I thought, at times, that I couldn’t go any further. His support was invaluable. I’m happy to say that in addition to being my trainer he has become my friend. I would recommend his services to anyone.
Eric Huggins
Men's Bodybuilding Competitor
I have always enjoyed working out and weight training. I began “getting into shape” a few years ago but mostly focused on running with little strength training. I have always been competitive and have always enjoyed challenging myself. After running a half marathon, a 25k, and a Tough Mudder I wanted a new challenge. A physique competitor from my gym at the time approached me and asked if I competed. At the time I had no idea what he was talking about. After doing some research and talking to other competitors I decided to compete for the first time (self coached) in 2014. In 2014 I placed 3rd in the NPC Kalamzoo Show In May of 2015 I placed 1st Novice Class B and 2nd in Open Class B at the Grand Rapids Bodybuilding Championship. I also placed 7th in Open Class A at the Michigan State Championship in June of 2015. I enjoyed prepping using a flexible dieting approach. I travel quite a bit for work, so being able to utilize flexible diet during these times lessened the stress than comes along with meal planning and meal prep. I was able to enjoy foods I like and never cut out any food groups and still experience appropriate fat loss. Regardless, dieting is still challenging whether you utilize flexible dieting or not, but I feel as though by prepping with a flexible dieting method my stress levels weren’t very high. I very much enjoyed the training programs very much. The exercises, reps, and sets were a great combination of structure, yet flexibility to switch out movements as need be. I liked how James changed up the types of workouts during the different weeks or cycles (to failure, super set, drop set, ect.) so that I was never bored with my training. I had a love/hate relationship with volume squats and timed rest periods! I had a very positive experience working with James and the rest of the Team Reps family. I worked with James for 26 weeks total. We spent a small amount of time getting my carbs up and reversing before I prepped for 16 and 18 weeks into my shows. Being a part of the Team Reps Facebook group was also great! It was a great way to interact with the rest of the teammates, ask for advice, and generally just feel supported. I liked the articles, quotes, and motivational bits of wisdom often posted. It helped to keep me motivated and want to do well for not only myself, but for my team mates as well.
Julie Duderar
Pro Womens Bikini Competitor
James has been coaching me for just over one year now, and I am nothing but ecstatic over the results I’ve achieved with his guidance. Like older females, I had packed on the pounds over the years. I didn’t like the way I looked, but most importantly, I didn’t like the way my poor physical condition made me feel about myself. So when a trainer at my former gym back home suggested I compete, I didn’t take her seriously. As an older female, the thought of competing was extremely intimidating. I’d managed to lose a significant amount of weight on my own, but I had no idea how to properly start building muscle, I knew very little about flexible dieting, and I sure didn’t know anything about competitive physique training. I started training with James in September of 2015, resulting in a 2nd place finish in Novice Bikini in my first show, the Tri-State Naturals in Dayton, Ohio in July of 2016. I went on to place 2nd in Masters’ Bikini at the Windy City Naturals in Chicago in August of 2016. I credit such high first-show placings to the guidance I received from James. While I’m extremely happy with my accomplishments, the feelings I had after two successful shows pale in comparison to the way I feel about myself now, both physically and mentally. I have developed a sense of self-confidence that is unwavering. James is not only an awesome coach, but he is also a great teacher and mentor. While I do have a competitive spirit, my first love is education, and James’ experience, knowledge, and science-based approach is what I appreciate most about having him as my coach. He is always prompt and detailed with his responses to my questions or concerns, and he is honest yet encouraging and supportive with his feedback. Being a new personal trainer myself, I am always trying to soak up as much knowledge as I can and learn not only “how” but also “why.” James is an invaluable source of information and always happy to answer any questions I have. I am able to apply the knowledge I’ve gained to my own clients, with consistent positive results. I am also able to dedicate more time to running my own business and enjoying my personal time, all while receiving world-class training and guidance from James. My goal now is to continue learning as much as I can and improving myself as a coach while working towards bringing an even better package to the stage next season. I know that James will always deliver programming that is fun, never boring, always challenging me, and always focused on the areas in which I need the most work. I want to achieve the best physique I can, not just for competition, but because with every little bit of physical progress, I become a stronger, more confident person. I know that I will continue to improve and that James will be there to help me accomplish my goals. Absolute world-class and professional coaching is what you will receive from James, and that’s why I absolutely recommend him with no reservations.
Chrissy Cook
Womens Bikini Competitor and Competitive Powerlifter
I started weight training in 2015 and immediately fell in love. In the beginning I tried programming my training and diet myself but ended up feeling weak and tired. I had dropped my calorie intake too low to continue building muscle. A good friend of mine put me in touch with James Shmagranoff and recommended I start working with him. I emailed him and explained that I had aspirations of competing in Women’s Figure. He worked with me for over a year to build up my metabolism and muscle mass before we were able to begin a cut for my first figure show. I just competed on May 6, 2017 and placed 2nd in my class in both divisions I entered. Without his knowledge and support I never would have been where I was physically and mentally when I stepped on that stage. James sends me weekly adjustments to diet and cardio and consistently makes changes to my training programs to make sure we are getting the results we want. His knowledge about all things health and fitness related impresses me time and time again. He listens to my concerns and answers any questions I may have about different foods, supplements, and workouts. I know I am in good hands and that I am getting the best results the healthiest way possible. I cannot express the gratitude I have for such a great coach and team.
Courtney Peterman
Women's Figure Competitor
I began working out and weight training in high school for sports. I continued as the average gym goer after I graduated for many years. I was like most people I would visit the gym anywhere from 2-4 days a week and move some weights up and down. It wasn’t until about 2 years ago when I really began to focus on what I was actually doing in the gym while lifting the weights. Feeling the contractions in the muscles and using proper form. As I began to see results I had a good friend of mine tell me in passing that I should ” compete” in bodybuilding. We both laughed and I continued to do my thing in the gym. As the months continued those words began to really sit with me. I started thinking about the idea of competing in some type of body building contest. I had no idea where to begin or whom to speak with. I figuratively ” sat” on that statement that was made to me from my friend for over a year. Never really forgetting it, but never moving forward with those words either. One day I was at a local supplement shop picking up my protein when the owner of the shop and myself engaged in a conversation about bodybuilding. I told him I had thought about it for a bit now but had not done anything about it. The owner of the business handed me a business card with the name James Shmagranoff and told me to reach out to him. I held onto that business card for about a week before I took that first step forward. In the meantime I began researching James and his website as well as other online ” coaches”. Both James and these ” coaches” advised me that they would provide training and supplementation programs for me on a monthly basis. I reached out to James in March of 2017 and after a few emails back and forth I quickly signed up with him. When I signed up with James and Team Reps, I weighed in at almost 190 pounds. My personal goal before signing up with James was to hit 200 pounds and try to reach a 10% percent body fat composition. As I began working with James I began seeing results that I was not able to accomplish on my own. I quickly began learning new techniques in the gym, as well as more importantly learning ab out nutrition. We soon began discussing the process of me competing in a Men’s Physique competition. After months of hard work and dedication I was able to compete in my first Men’s Physique show at the OCB Midwest Competition. I took fifth place in Men’s Physique Novice. It has now kindled a fire deep inside me to continue on this path and be the best version of myself that I can be. None of this would of been possible without the knowledge and information provided by James. Like I had previously mentioned when I initially reached out to James I also reached out to a couple of other “coaches.” These “coaches” would also supply a workout and macro nutrient numbers for me on a monthly basis. Being completely new to macro nutrients and competing I was unsure of which direction to go regarding a coach. What led me to James was the information he provided me. In life, I am a big WHY guy. By that I mean I want to know why something works or why it doesn’t. I began asking James and these other “coaches” some of these WHY questions before I signed up. These questions pertained to training, supplementation, and macro nutrients. James was able to give me that WHY response to every question I asked him. These other online “coaches” could not. James is full of information and beyond knowledgeable in these areas. He provides the answers backed by scientific data and not just ” Bro Science”. While I have asked numerous questions James has never talked down to me, and has always been professional and kind. Another thing that led me to James is he actively competes in bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions. He ” walks the walk” so to speak. A few of the “coaches” I had spoke with had never competed in their life or stepped out on a stage. For myself, this was tremendously important in seeking out in a coach. How can one give advice and know what a competitor is mentally or physically going through, if they have never done it themselves? James was there every step of the way during my prep for my first show. Giving me advice on how to deal with the ups and downs as well as factual information for me during contest prep. He has always there for any questions I have and is the first to offer a lending hand. James has also taken the time to workout with me. During the workouts he has been able to critique my form on certain lifts to make me better. James has been the essential piece of the puzzle for me, as I continue to strive to meet my fitness goals.
Dan Drexler
Men's Physique Competitor
I took a weightlifting course in high school and I fell in love with it and I fell in love with the process of bodybuilding. My Dad used to lift weights pretty religiously back in the 90s and he bought me a weight set and a few dumbbells which you could hit every body part. My first competition was in September 2015 and under the guidance of James Shmagranoff I took first place in the junior division. For this meet I had started prepping in March 2015 at a bodyweight of 205 lbs (40lbs over my stage weight), at this time I was with a different coach and was eating the traditional chicken/rice/eggs/egg whites 6x a day. I remember my first drop in calories was 1500 and 3 – 30 min cardio LISS cardio sessions were added. At the time I didn’t know any better and stuck with the plan. By the end of April my calories were already slashed in half and I was doing 40 mins of fasted cardio every morning. At this point I was always feeling terrible and I did know that this amount of cardio seemed very excessive. I got in contact with James and we began working together in April @ 187lbs and my calories were at 2600 – This doesn’t seem so bad however I was over 4500 calories in the off-season. That being said when starting flexible dieting with James I had lost another 20lbs with my calories dropping to only 2200 but the very end with my cardio being slashed in half! It was great working with James he always answered any questions I had and always responded back to the weekly check-ins in a timely manner. I’d recommend James as a prep coach to anyone, it was a pleasure working with him!
Andrew Van Bynen
Men's Bodybuilding Competitor
I was always athletic growing up and enjoyed playing both basketball and volleyball throughout high school. I maintained my build throughout my first year of college. But when I got deeper into my academic career, I focused more on my studies and less on training and what I was eating. As a result, I decided to work with an online trainer starting in November 2016. I had little success with his cookie cutter training and diet plan. I did not enjoy training and my diet was unbearable. I finally asked for James’s help in February of 2017 and I am so glad I did! Upon working with James, my main concern was losing body fat. He has helped me do so thanks to training, as well as changing my eating habits. I get to eat all the foods I love, I just incorporate them in my diet much smarter. I never feel restricted. His diet really has helped me succeed in my original goal. In addition, I love the training programs he utilizes. After running through the first month of his programming, I fell in love with the powerlifting days. From there, he encouraged me to focus on increasing my strength and refining the big three in pursuit of competing in powerlifting. This July I competed in my first powerlifting competition. I placed 1st in the open division and 3rd in my division for juniors. I would never have had the confidence to sign up for the meet let alone compete in it successfully without James’s help. I could not be happier as a part of Team Reps! James promptly answers all of my questions and he does so with the support of reliable scientific evidence. He has totally changed my outlook on fitness, as well as life! I am so fortunate to call him my coach and cannot wait to see what the future holds as a part of his team.
Samantha Higgins
AAPF Natinoally Qualified Powerlifter and Womens Figure Competitor
I have always been in competitive sports: baseball, football, basketball and wrestling. I love playing all those sports, but what really left a lasting impression on me and my work ethic was wrestling. It was rigorous. You did what you had to do in order to make weight for the meet. At some point I came to a realization that wearing sweat suits and 5 layers of clothes in the sauna and starving yourself to cut weight wasn’t exactly the healthiest of ways of attaining my goals. During this time, I was always in the weight room. I love lifting weights and have been doing it since I was 12 or 13. I wanted to be strong like my football friends, but have a physique like a wrestler, but proper nutrition eluded me. I had an idea of what of to do nutritionally, but I had no idea how to implement the strategies. A couple years ago, I had some friends that started doing bodybuilding shows. I really respected their dedication. I wanted to compete too, but I was totally unaware of the intricacies of contest prep. I guess I was a little intimidated. I thought that life wasn’t for me. However, one day I thought, “I really want to try this out. I’m not getting any younger, and I don’t want to regret a missed opportunity later in life.” A guy at my gym had his pro card. I hired him for a 6 month prep and entered my first competition. My first competition was in 2014 NGA/NPC Natural Peoria Championships physique division. I placed third. I was somewhat happy with my placing however, I felt I could have made more progress. I felt that my coach was lacking in being personable. Any question I had regarding the prep was met with, “I’m the pro. I know what I’m doing.” My diet was adjusted three times regardless of progress. I didn’t really notice any strength gains doing my workouts. Also, the workouts were mundane. I wanted to do another show because I thought I could beat my conditioning in the last show. However, I wasn’t going to use that coach again. I wanted a coach that had some knowledge. So, I started looking into team Wilson because that’s who my friend was under and his conditioning was unreal. I got introduced to James. He is very knowledgeable, very personable and very professional. I hired him in 2015 for a yearlong contest prep for the August 2016 Windy City Naturals. During prep any question I had was answered promptly. My diet was adjusted weekly according to the progress I was making. My workouts were enjoyable and my strength gains were obvious. I learned a lot during this process. Not only did I learn about the process of prep, but I learned a lot about general fitness and nutrition. I placed 2nd in the Windy City Naturals. I beat my previous conditioning and I enjoyed every step of it. I’m going to go in an offseason to grow. Then, James and I are going to beat conditioning from this show!
Joe Waldo
Men,s Bodybuilding Competitor

As my coach, James made the impossible possible with his nutrition and fitness knowledge. Since we started, I am down 23 pounds and have a healthier relationship with food (all foods) and physical fitness. When I started with James, I was not able to lose weight despite 2 years of strength training and believing I was eating right. He helped me through the process of restoring my metabolism, eating healthier, having a balanced fitness plan, and learning that it is a process and not an event. I can’t say how much I appreciate Jame’s knowledge, patience and willingness to walk me through this life-changing process. I know it is a life journey and I have appreciated all the knowledge that James has provided me. I would highly recommend him as a coach.
Sheila W.
Online Personal Training Client

I was referred to James through a close friend and extremely happy I was. This year was my second powerlifting meet and I wanted to take things to a new level and through James's coaching I was able to do so. From the extremely fast response time to questions or concerns, to the rapid adjustments to programming needed as time went on, I couldn't have asked for much more from a coach. James is extremely knowledgeable of his craft and through his programming I was able to set PR's on all my lifts while also doing well enough to take first place in my meet. I 100% plan on utilizing James again for my next meet and I tell anyone looking to get serious about their fitness, to use James to the fullest ability. 10/10 will be back again
Ben Fillar

Let me rave about my couch real quick. I met @ifpaprojamesp in 2014 while attending Purdue Calumet. His wife and I played soccer together, and she's just one of the most vibrant women you will ever meet. Which then led me to meeting James! He then taught a class of mine and helped the soccer team in the gym. His knowledge of the human body is just astonishing. I reached out when I knew I was going to participate in The Arnold Classic. I just didn't want to make a fool of myself, and I wanted to do this healthy. James was so professional through every aspect of this journey, and it still felt like friendship. He encouraged me when I would slip up and reconstruct nutrition and workouts if something was off. I CAN NOT RAVE ABOUT HIM ENOUGH. I am the most confident I've ever been. I am the strongest I've ever been and I CAN EAT SO MUCH FOOD!!!! His affordable prices make every goal of yours come true. Get ahold of him for you goals!!!
Erika Brinkman
Strongman Competitor First Responder Client

James and I started working during the second year of my Ph.D in 2022 and it has been ~2 years now that I have been working with him while doing his nutrition and strength training templates. I have learnt a lot about periodization of my strength training and how to better manage my nutrition while having a flexible diet. James has given me full flexibility in catering my diet and training goals to my liking and the best part is he considers your opinion and suggestion too, that's something I admire since I would directly like to have some feedback in conveying how I exactly feel to make the plan specific for me. I was about 210 lbs when we started and we got down about 25 - 30 lbs while eating more food at lower weights (yay metabolism). Currently, I am at a very respectable weight with much higher muscle mass and low body fat. My metabolic and health numbers are at their all time best and we are just getting started with where I want to be. Through working over the course of time with him this has been possible and he makes it clear that good things take time. I think if you are willing to invest the time and effort James will make it work for you. I highly recommend him as a nutrition and strength coach.
Ashreet Mishra Ph.D.
Online Personal Training Client